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http://www.100md.com 2013年11月1日 《中国中药杂志》 2013年第21期

    图1 我国半夏产区变迁图

    Fig、1 The transition diagram of wild Pinellia ternata in our country


    [1] 中国药典、一部[S]、 2010:110、[2] 邳州市侨办、邳州“六宝”[J]、江海侨声,1997,22:39、[3] 黄振武、宿半夏规范化栽培技术[J]、北京农业,2004,6:13、[4] 薛建海,刘子贵、颖半夏的产地加工[J]、中国中药杂志,1990,15(5):29、[5] 吴立明,程晓卫、南阳道地药材唐半夏本草考证及资源调查[J]、国医论坛, 2005,20(6):42、[6] 中国药材公司、中国中药区划[M]、北京:科学出版社,1995:101、[7] 周荣汉、中药资源学[M]、北京:中国医药科技出版社,1993:548、[8] 胡世林、中国道地药材[M]、哈尔滨:黑龙江科技出版社,1989:488、Endangered resources and origin changes of Pinellia

    ternate in Huanghuai plain

    MU Er-ting, ZHOU Jian-li*

    (Department of Pharmary, Anhui Uniwversity of Chinese Medicine, Hefei 230031, China)

    [Abstract] The wild Pinellia ternata resource was surveyed by field investigation, visiting surveys combine with literature study and changing factors of the wild P. ternata in the area of Huanghuai Plain were analyzed. The results indicated that Huanghuai Plain wild P. ternata resources were scarce and nearly extinct. The chemical farming methods in Huanghuai Plain have endangered the survival of the wild P. ternata.

    [Key words] Huanghuai plain; wild Pinellia ternata; endangered resources; place of origin changes


    [责任编辑 吕冬梅], http://www.100md.com(穆二廷 周建理)
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